Creative Critters

Monday, 5 December 2011

Week 6 - 28 November 2010

We had a very successful Junior Athletics Day on Wednesday. Congratulations to the children who excelled at long jump, high jump, running and ball throwing. A big thank you to the parents and grandparents who came along in support. The children were very excited and enjoyed their day.

On Thursday the whole school enjoyed their beach day at Pilot Bay. The Junior Team decided to walk around the mount hoping to stop at Shelley Bay to collect shells for making sandcastles. But when we got there it was closed due to the Rena Oil Spill. By the time we got back to Pilot Bay the children were all ready for a swim. It was a great day and I'm sure all children had a very sound sleep that night.

Well only a few more weeks of school, teachers are all busy completing reports and getting ready for the big tidy up before school ends.  Thank you to all those people who have left comments on our blog, please keep it up.